Algorithms in Bioinformatics @KAUST

Journey to the Frontier of Computational Biology. Master bioinformatics software and computational approaches in modern biology.

О курсе

How do we sequence and compare genomes? How do we identify the genetic basis for disease? How do we construct an evolutionary Tree of Life for all species on Earth?

When you complete this interactive textbook, you will learn how to answer many questions in modern biology that have become inseparable from the fundamental algorithms used to answer these questions.

This course features dozens of algorithmic challenges you to implement the bioinformatics algorithms that you will encounter along the way in dozens of automatically graded coding challenges that can be completed in any programming language!

Для кого этот курс

Learners who are interested in seeing the fundamental algorithms that have made biology into a computational discipline.

Начальные требования

Learners should be good technical thinkers and have a strong introductory knowledge of programming. No biological background is necessary!

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