Waste disposal sites (storage and landfilling) are considered as sources of high environmental risk at all operation stages (design, construction, operation, reclamation).

О курсе

Student Learning Outcomes

Students can assess the principles of safe waste disposal;

Students can apply the current state art about waste disposal;

Students have the skills to develop environmental safety requirements for waste disposal sites.


Начальные требования

A prior knowledge of legislation and other guidance materials (regulatory framework) in the field of waste management are prerequisites for this discipline.


1.    Have knowledge of best available techniques for waste storage facilities.

2.    Аble to analyze the rules of natural conditions and the rules for determining the area for storage and disposal of waste.

3.    Able to produce, develop and evaluate the feasibility of environmental monitoring to assess the impact of waste disposal sites environmental effects (мonitoring of soil, nature, air and water).

4.    Able to choose and design technology of waste storage and disposal of waste and technology of disposal sites reclamation.

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