Introduction to Dental Materials Science

The course “Introduction to Dental Materials Science” presents a brief information about properties and standard quality characterictics of laboratory dental materials used throughout the main dimentions of dental care. The course includes an advanced study in English of selected topics of Dental Materials Science:…
Сертификат Stepik

О курсе

The course “Introduction to Dental Materials Science” is intended for self-study in English of main sections of Dental Materials Science, to promote an understanding of dental materials,  and training for general or speciality board examinations in accordance with contemporary Dentistry programs.

The results of studying the course will be:

  1. Mastering of professional terminology,   theoretical bases and practical skills in accordance with the basic blocks, including characteristics of impression materials, gypsum products, and dental ceramics.
  2. Skills of solving MCQ tests in English in accordance with contemporary Dentistry programs.
  3. Skills of self-study of educational, scientific, reference literature in English, and effective orientation in specialized professional Dentistry Internet sites.

The course comprises 4 modules.

Module 1 is devoted to Impression Materials, namely Alginate Hydrocolloid. The module includes study of the types of impression materials widely used in the modern dental practice, composition of alginate hydrocolloids and their properties according to the ISO standard, features of manipulations with alginate powder for making accurate impression.

After completing module 1 students should be able to

  • describe the function of an impression material;
  • describe the relationship between a tooth, an impression of the tooth, and the die;
  • explain the difference between the negative and positive reproduction, impression, model, cast, and die;
  • list the desirable properties of impression materials and types of impression materials used in contemporary dental practice;
  • list the components of an alginate powder and their function;
  • describe the alginate hydrocolloid materials properties according to the ISO requirements;
  • describe the process of alginate impressions setting, features of disinfection and storage of alginate impressions.

Module 2 is about Elastomeric Impression Materials.  Elastomeric impression materials are distinguished from alginate impression materials by their stability in air after setting, their excellent reproduction of surface detail, and their higher tear strength.

The module includes study of the types and main characteristics of elastomeric impression materials, comparing of composition and features of setting reaction for condensation silicones and addition silicones, qualitative rating of physical and mechanical properties of A-silicones and C-silicones, technique tips for elastomeric impression materials.

After completing module 2 students should be able to

  • list the types of elastomeric impression materials;
  • compare composition, physical and mechanical properties of condensation and addition silicone impression materials;
  • explain the putty-wash technique of making impression;
  • describe the hand mixing of elastomeric impression materials and the auto-mixing of addition silicones;
  • list the disinfectants using for disinfection of elastomeric impressions.

Module 3 deals with Gypsum Products. Model and die materials are used to make accurate replicates of the patient`s teeth and other oral structures. These replicates may be used for diagnostic purposes or may be used to fabricate a restoration for the patient. Gypsum products are the most common for this purpose.

The module includes study the types of gypsum products, their chemical and physical nature depending on the manufacturing processes, features of setting reaction, technique tips for mixing gypsum materials, practical application of different types of gypsum products.

After completing this module you should be able to

  • define the terms model, cast and die;
  • describe the practical application of the different types of gypsum products;
  • explain from the chemical and physical point of view the difference between model plaster, dental stone, and high-strength dental stone
  • describe the setting reaction of gypsum products and the effect of excess water on the set mass;
  • define water-powder ratio, its values for the different types of gypsum products, and its effect on the physical properties of gypsum materials;
  • describe the difference between initial and final setting time;
  • explain technique for mixing gypsum materials.

Module 4 is dedicated to Ceramics in Dentistry. Ceramics play one of the main role in esthetic dental restorations. The module includes the basic ideas about modern dental ceramics, study the major types of ceramics used in common dental practice and how they are differ in composition, physical, optical, biological properties, and clinical applications.

After completing this module you should be able to

  • explain the principle difference between the terms dental ceramic and porcelain;
  • describe the glassy (feldspathic), glass dominated, crystalline dominated and crystalline types of dental ceramics and how they are used in dental practice;
  • explain the simplest scheme of the formation of inorganic base of bone tissue of teeth;
  • describe the difference between physical, thermal, optical, and biological properties of dental ceramics types;
  • make a brief review about clinical applications of dental ceramics.  

Для кого этот курс

The course is intended for students of dental schools and universities who are studying Dentistry programs in English. Also the course can be used as contemporary short reference for any practicing dentist. Preferred level of English is Intermediate and upper.

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Сертификат Stepik
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