Beginner C/C++

This courses introduces learners to the C and C++ programming languages. It contains detailed information about how the language works, with multiple exercises tackling the theoretical concept. The course prepares the learners with a strong set of procedural and object-oriented programming skills and sufficient…
Начальный уровень

О курсе

This course trains your programming skills in C and C++. Learn the basics of the programming language and step up to write code companies will like to hear about.

Для кого этот курс

Computer Science students or general public interested in learning both C and C++.

Начальные требования

No special requirements are required for this course. Nevertheless, an introductory course or video series on programming is useful before starting this course. 

Наши преподаватели

Программа курса

Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно