Experimental quantum electronics

Nanoelectronics is based on the processes of interaction of the electrons with the electromagnetic fields and use this interaction for the transmission, processing and storage of information. The goal of the course is to study the field of physics, which explores methods of amplification and generation of…

О курсе

The course presents the basic physical ideas of quantum electronics, and description is given of the principle of operation of the most important lasers.

Course material includes a presentation of the physical principles of amplification and generation of light based on stimulated emission including an ultrashort pulse's generation techniques, a description of open resonators of laser systems, principles of operation of gas lasers, solid-state lasers and lasers tunable along the wavelength of radiation.

During the course the following topics will be considered:

  1. Main trends of modern microelectronics
  2. Main characteristics of electromagnetic radiation. Fundamentals of electromagnetic waves (EMW) interaction with the media
  3. Types of EMW sources
  4. Parameters of laser radiation
  5. Propagation of EMW in transparent media. Waveguides.
  6. Main principles of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) detection
  7. Lasers in a physical experiment
  8. Processing of quantum electronics (QE) devices

About the lecturer

Dr. Natalia Sherstyuk, Associate Prof., Dept. of Nanoelectronics, MIREA - Russian Technological University


As the result of studying the course student:

Must know:

  • theoretical foundations of nonlinear optics, physics of operation of tunable lasers and mode-locked lasers, theoretical knowledge of the basic principles of constructing laser systems with nonlinear-optical elements, tunable lasers and mode-locked lasers

Should be able to:

  • explain the theoretical foundations of nonlinear optics, the physics of the operation of tunable lasers and mode-locked lasers; understand the basic principles of constructing laser systems with nonlinear-optical elements, tunable lasers and mode-locked lasers; choose the optimal method for research using laser radiation

Must own:

  • skills in the design of nonlinear optical devices for the generation of harmonics of laser radiation, parametric light generators, tunable dye lasers, color centers and crystals activated by transition metal ions, optoelectronic laser gates.

Must demonstrate ability and readiness:

  • put the knowledge into practice

General cultural and general professional:

- the ability to independently replenish their knowledge in the field of quantum electronics;

- the ability to collect, process and interpret the necessary data for the formation of judgments on emerging scientific problems;

- willingness to generate, evaluate and use new ideas;

- ability to find creative, non-standard solutions of professional and social tasks;

- the ability to explore current problems and methods of quantum electronics and scientific and technological development of laser technology;

- ability to support and develop scientific technological innovations;

- the ability to take on new areas on the basis of self-study;


- the ability to critically analyze the current problems of quantum electronics;

- set tasks and develop a research program, select adequate methods and methods for solving experimental and theoretical problems, interpret, present and apply the results obtained;

- ability to analyze and optimize applied and information processes;

- the ability to organize and conduct negotiations with representatives of the customer and professional consultations at enterprises and organizations on the implementation of laser systems and technologies.



Трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 2 ЗЕТ (72 часа)

Для кого этот курс

Functional nanomaterials and advanced technologies, 03.04.02

Начальные требования

The course is designed for 1 year masters. The student must have knowledge in the scope of general physics, higher mathematics, theoretical and atomic physics, as well as special courses taught as part of the bachelor's degree in Radio Physics or Physics.

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