О курсе
Miniature sensors are emerging as promising techniques, for example, in diagnostics, environmental control, smart materials, and bio-medical field. The aim of this course is to introduce physical principles of miniature sensors exploiting electrodynamic effects. We will get an introduction into inductive sensors and magnetoimpedance (MI) sensors which are utilizing ferromagnetic amorphous microwires and magnetic/metallic multilayers. The targeted objective of this program is also to give you ideas about how the sensors could be used in functional materials.
During the course the following topics will be considered:
- Basic equations and quantities of electrodynamics. Overview of electromagnetic sensing principles.
- Tunable magnetic structures, non-linear magnetization and harmonic spectrum in amorphous microwires for applications in wireless sensors.
- Magnetoinductive and magnetoimpedance effects for miniature high performance sensors.
- Microwave magnetoelectric effects in ferromagnetic microwires for applications in wireless sensors and smart materials
- New multiferroics based on M-type hexaferrits.
The goal of the course is to build a background to understand the physical principles of the development of electromagnetic functional materials including materials with a strong coupling between magnetic and electric orderings. It is sometimes complicated to understand the limitations and possibilities of the individual technologies both in terms of realization and applications. We will in this course get an introduction to several electrodynamic sensor concepts: magnetoresistance (MR) and giant magnetoresistance (GMR), various inductive sensors including search coil, fluxgates, and magnetoimpedance (MI) sensors. Also we will let the sensors compete against each other in order to discover their strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The overall objective of this program is to give you an overview of the state of the art in miniature electrodynamic sensor elements which could be incorporated into materials to bring new functionalities.
The Lecturer: Dr.Sc. Larissa V. Panina, Prof., National University of Science & Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
As a result of studying the discipline, students should:
• Be familiar with Maxwell’s equations and basic electrodynamic quantaties;
• Be able to calculate electric and magnetic field distribution, inductance and impedance at MHz and GHz frequencies for typical conducting elements (thin wire, film, thin multilayers)
• Be familiar with typical measurement methods (magnetic and electric hysteresis, inductance, impedance, harmonic spectrum)
• Be able to design electromagnetic sensing elements responding to external electric and/or magnetic fields, mechanical stress and temperature a
• Understand how to improve the sensor performance in terms of sensitivity, full scale, temperature stability and miniaturization
• Know the technology requirements for particular sensing elements to be used in devises and materials
As a result of studying the course, the student will have the following skills:
• Knowledge about electromagnetic quantities, specifics of electromagnetic effects in a particular frequency bands, conditions of co-existence of various ferroic orderings
• Knowledge about the technology of devices based on multiferroic effects and electromagnetic sensing principles
• Knowledge about applications of miniature sensing elements in smart materials and wireless devices
Ability for self-organization and self-education.
Ability for time management and to plan team work.
Ability to use the acquired knowledge for further exploration and development of scientific challenges.
Ability to solve standard tasks of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic safety requirements.
The ability to find, analyze, implement and use in practice experimental and theoretical tools to analyze problems of using and experimenting with materials consisting of multiferroic and high-frequency alloys including the use of modern technologies and awareness of environmental and safety regulation and hazards.
Трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 2 ЗЕТ (72 часа)
Для кого этот курс
Functional nanomaterials and advanced technologies, 03.04.02
Начальные требования
The course is designed for first- year master students. Knowledge of physics and mathematics is required in the amount of Bachelor degree in physical or material science specialties.