Advanced nanomaterials science (Nanomagnetism fundamentals)

The main objective of the course is to inform the student of the necessary minimum knowledge for independent study of the magnetic, conductive and spin properties of low-dimensional. Along with the classical questions of the theory of nanomagnetism, the course program reflects the results of modern research in the…

О курсе

The main goal in the development of the discipline is to get acquainted with the main physical phenomena arising in low-dimensional systems, which are at the basis of the functioning of spintronics and nanoelectronics devices. After listening to the course, students will learn about modern concepts and achievements in

Investigations of low-dimensional magnetism and spintronic systems. Within the framework of a special course, students are introduced to new magnetic properties of low-dimensional structures.

In addition, students will become familiar with new magnetic materials and conductive magnetic nanostructures.

The course focuses on the discussion of the physical principles underlying the creation of promising magnetic nanoscale materials, as well as their applications.

Purpose of the course

As part of the course, students will become familiar with the basic theoretical concepts in the magnetism of nanoscale structures; with a description of the magnetic structure; with single-phase and nano-composite magnets; materials for spintronics and the motion of domain boundaries, magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic island structures; magneto-caloric effect and shape memory effect in nanoscale magnetic materials.


Prof. Dr. M. Farle, University of Duisburg-Essen and Center for NanoIntegration Duisburg-Essen (CeNIDE)

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should know:

  • fundamental mechanisms for the formation of properties of magnetic materials with limited spatial and spin dimensions;
  • deas about the state of art in this industry;
  • main results of theoretical and experimental studies of nanoscale magnetic materials and practical applications of these materials;
  • be able to independently decide on the choice of various magnetic materials needed to solve the research problem in the field of physics of magnetic phenomena

What student have to know and able to do after the course

To know: 

  • the physical essence of the phenomena occurring in electronics and nanoelectronics devices based on magnetic materials; 

  • processes occurring in magnetic materials when they interact with the environment, fields, energy particles and radiation.

To be able to: 

  • create requirements for the parameters of magnetic materials, their micro- and nanostructure, as well as for technologies, the creation of magnetic nanostructures for electronics and nano-electronics; 

  • independently master new scientific directions of their professional activities. 


Общая трудоемкость дисциплины: 2 ЗЕТ (72 часа)

Для кого этот курс

Functional nanomaterials and advanced technologies, 03.04.02 The course is designed for 1 year masters. The student must have knowledge in the scope of general physics, higher mathematics, theoretical and atomic physics, as well as special courses taught as part of the bachelor's degree in Engineering, Radio Physics or Physics.

Начальные требования

The course is designed for 1 year masters. The student must have knowledge in the scope of general physics, higher mathematics, theoretical and atomic physics, as well as special courses taught as part of the bachelor's degree in Engineering, Radio Physics or Physics.

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