О курсе
This course is aimed at providing students with a conceptual and historical perspective on interaction between China, Russia and the U.S in the Asia-Pacific region (APR). Special attention will be paid to the development of Asia-Pacific great powers’ foreign policy, its evolution over the last decades, relations of the great powers after the Cold War and after the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will focus on conceptual/theoretical political science issues; discuss the roots of foreign policy of the great powers, building international institutions in the new century, issues of economic development, political identity and the development of political culture, and the future of leadership in the modern world. In the interview sessions with experts we will also discuss how factors of the emerging powers in the APR influence national and regional security and economics.
Для кого этот курс
Курс предназначен для тех, кто интересуется политикой и экономикой России, США и Китая, для российских и иностранных студентов, а также для всех, изучающих и совершенствующих английский язык.
Начальные требования
владение английским языком на базовом уровне