Introduction to programming with dependent types in Scala (2019)

Introduction to programming with dependent types in Scala
Anyone can take this course with his/her own speed.

О курсе

This course is an introduction to type theory, homotopy type theory (HoTT), dependent-type programming, type-level programming, and theorem proving using Scala. It covers such topics as dependent types (including path dependent types), type families, sum and product types, functions, dependent Σ- and Π-type, inductive types, identity type, type classes, eliminators (recursion and induction), β-reduction, η-conversion, Curry–Howard isomorphism, programming at type level.

Slides for the intro video: PDF

This is updated version of the course. Former version was here: (#9)

Для кого этот курс

People who are interested in functional programming (Scala, Haskell), programming with dependent types (Idris), type-level programming (Shapeless).

Начальные требования

In the course programming assignments  can be performed online. Also Scala, Git, mill/sbt, and ProvingGround library from Github can be installed locally.

Some experience with Scala is expected (e.g. reading book "Programming in Scala" by Martin Odersky et al. or taking first courses from Scala specialization at Coursera).

Basic knowledge of functional programming (Haskell or ML) and general OOP language like Java (or C++) would be helpful.

General familiarity with ideas of recursion and induction is presumed.

Although such Scala libraries as Shapeless, Simulacrum, Matryoshka, Cats/Scalaz/Algebird etc. can be mentioned from time to time and code samples in Idris are shown, deep understanding of these libraries or languages is NOT necessary.

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