Introduction to Plasmonics

Gain a wide view of the physics of light interaction with metal nanostructures. In this course, you will learn about the whole diversity of unique effects appearing at the junction of nanotechnology, subwavelength optics, quantum mechanics, and solid-state physics. You will find out how giant field enhancement near…
4-6 hours per week

О курсе

Gain a wide view of the physics of light interaction with metal nanostructures. In this course, you will learn about the whole diversity of unique effects appearing at the junction of nanotechnology, subwavelength optics, quantum mechanics, and solid-state physics. You will find out how giant field enhancement near metallic nanostructures can be used for detecting single biomolecule, and whether it is possible to build a nanometer-scale laser.

The course is taught in Nanophotonics and Metamaterials Master program at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University. 


Для кого этот курс

This course is aimed at graduate and undergraduate students who are majoring in physics and engineering science related to optics. As well as researchers who want to gain or deepen their knowledge in the field of modern photonics. This course can give a boost to your educational or academic career, and potentially will stimulate you to conduct your own research in this field.

Начальные требования

In order to successfully accomplish the course, you would need some basic knowledge in:   

- electrodynamics and optics;

- quantum and solid-state physics;

- calcus and algebra.    

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Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно