ChatGPT 101 42

Learn how to use ChatGPT (OpenAI) in an effective course on prompting. This course will help you become more efficient with one of the most powerful tools in generative AI.
Начальный уровень
Сертификат Stepik

Чему вы научитесь

  • You will receive small and effective knowledge and knowledge bundles for quick immersion.
  • You will learn how to apply prompting on ChatGPT to optimize processes and solve problems.

О курсе

The goal is to create the most suitable and true course on prompting on ChatGPT.

Why you should choose this course - the author of the course is a teacher for children, actively worked with text before AI, uses AI after ChatGPT 3.5, consults founders on prompting (business and startups).

What you will gain - if you do the tasks, you will get a deep understanding of the operation of the tool with practical experience, and this will increase the efficiency of your activities and yourself many times over.

The peculiarity of the course is its brevity and efficiency taken from the practical activities of the author and the founders consulted.

What you will need to do - you only need to honestly complete the tasks and remember that reading the information is not equal to a mastered skill, to develop a skill you need time and consistency in practice.

Для кого этот курс

A course for active and rapidly developing people.

Начальные требования

It will be a great advantage and convenience to have access to ChatGPT 4 and higher on the OpenAI platform (not bots, chats and similar).

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

You gain knowledge (10%) and develop skills (90%) by completing the task while being honest with yourself.

Программа курса



Сертификат Stepik

Что вы получаете

  • learn how to use ChatGPT systematically from simple to complex tasks
  • learn how to optimize your activities
  • understand how to effectively create CustomGPT's

Сколько стоит обучение

Price: 33 333 
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Price: 33 333