The ESP course "English for Mechanical Engineering" is aimed at the improvement of learners' foreign-language competence at the level necessary and sufficient to communicate successfully in technical and industrial specialisations. With an emphasis on reading and listening the course covers topics common to the…
Средний уровень
Весь курс рассчитан на1 месяц, 3-4 часа в неделю

Чему вы научитесь

  • The expected results of mastering the course imply enhancing learners' foreign-language professional competence. You will:
  • - expand vocabulary and terminology in engineering;
  • - improve reading, listening and writing skills;
  • - practice your English language pronunciation;
  • - develop skills in grammar;
  • - be able to participate in international professional cooperation;
  • - master self-education skills.

О курсе

The course is intended for students in technical or vocational education as well as for all specialists in engineering field wishing to enhance their competencies in the English language. It also focuses on study skills improvement and encourages independent learning. Topics reflect the latest developments in technology and are relevant for students' needs. 

Для кого этот курс

This course is for intermediate to upper-intermediate level (B1-B2) learners of English who need to use English in an engineering environment. It is particularly suitable for students studying engineering at college or university in the classroom or for self-study. The course also appeals to people who need to enrich their English technical vocabulary and express themselves more authoritatively in their professional context.

Начальные требования

To successfully master the course, it is necessary to possess basic knowledge and skills in the main types of speech activity (reding, listening comprehension, writing and speaking) in English as part of the school curriculum.

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

The course includes:

- work on text material with subsequent verification on its understanding;

- videos for expanding vocabulary, improving pronunciation and familiarization with current topics in the field of engineering technologies;

- practical tasks and tests for mastering the material with automatic verification.

Программа курса


Что вы получаете

  • Here is why this course is useful and in demand:
  • - You will have the opportunity to thoroughly and at your own pace work out the basic material on engineering topics;
  • - It will help you revise what you've learned earlier;
  • - You'll prepare for the English language exam;
  • - It will make you confident in speaking English in engineering environment.
Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно