Contract Law Management

Contract law is one of the main branches of law, since it is aimed at training general specialists, developing and deepening their general professional culture and active use of acquired knowledge in practical activities, especially for specialists preparing themselves for diplomatic and other foreign work, to meet…
Средний уровень

Чему вы научитесь

  • After completing the course, students will
  • • Get the knowledge in the fields of:
  • 1. Fundamentals of contract law;
  • 2. Types of contracts;
  • 3. Principles of concluding, amending, terminating and managing contracts
  • • Get the following capabilities – they will be able to:
  • 1. Analyze and evaluate situations from a legal perspective;
  • 2. Determine the features of concluding and amending various types of contracts;
  • 3. Explain the differences in the legal status of individuals and legal entities.
  • • Be able to apply:
  • 1. Conceptual and categorical apparatus in the field of contract law;
  • 2. Skills in using knowledge of contract law in various spheres of life;
  • 3. Technique for identifying legal, economic, political and other factors influencing reality.

О курсе

The main goal of the course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of the Russian contract law management.

The Course objectives are

The course aim is to form an understanding of the audience about the basics of contract law, the basic concepts of the contract law management, the risks and opportunities for managing contracts in the Russian Federation.

The objectives of the course are:

-       familiarization with the basic concepts of contract law;

-       identification of the prerequisites for the use in a particular situation of obligation security means;

-       updating knowledge about contracts and how to manage them;

-       strengthening the most important components of modern legal literacy.

Для кого этот курс

The course is designed for all people interested in the current contractual activity. The structure of the course is designed to help law students, managers, political scientists and economists gain a comprehensive understanding of the system of contract law.

Начальные требования

No special knowledge is required to take the course, but basic knowledge of the basics of law will be welcome.

English Level B1 is required.

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

The course will consist of twelve weeks, each of which will include videos (including case studies), materials for independent study, as well as test material.


The course includes the following types of test material:

·    intermediate questions in multiple choice format (testing at the end of each school week), as well as additional questions and tasks;

·    final test based on the results of all the material covered.

Программа курса

Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно