Real-life project management practices

Project management is considered to be a foundation of managing any large and not only large company or Corporation Organization or national development. We will be focusing primarily on general approaches and basic concepts, keeping in mind, of course specific features of various practical applications while…
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О курсе

Introduction to Project Management

Definition of a project. History of Project Management. Theory of project management. Project Charter.

Project Lifecycle.

Stages of the Project Lifecycle. Special requirements of managing a project during it various stages.


Definition of a stakeholder. Who are they and how to interact with them. Project triangle VS stakeholder interests. Stakeholder priorities. Interests and actions matrix.

Risk Management in Project Management.

Milestones, frameworks and limitations – definitions and impact. Types of risks and risk analysis. Response planning risk impact on the project. Risk management strategies.

Project Team

Human resources of a project. Принципы подбора и формирования команды. Roles and responsibilities of project team individual members. Team leader – primary requirements. 

Project analysis and project effectiveness

Fundamental principles of Project Analysis. Definition of NPV and how it is calculated.

Information Technologies in Project Management

IT in Project Management. IT components in project management systems. Free vs paid for applications and content.

Project Manager special competencies

PM legal competencies. Forecasting and analytical abilities. Leadership and corporate culture. Special skills required to manage innovative and investment projects.

Fundamentals of teamwork

Corporate HR impact on project team-building. Theory of teamwork (individual VS crowd). Principles of successful teamwork – concepts and analysis.

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