Do you know what coordination compounds are? Do you know that coordination compounds are vital to living organisms? Do you know the modern IUPAC rules of writing formulae and naming coordination compounds? Do you know what term is recommended by IUPAC instead of term ‘complex’? Answers on these questions and a lot of…
Начальный уровень

Чему вы научитесь

  • name and write formulae of coordination entities
  • predict the geometries of coordination entities
  • explain kinetic and thermodynamic stability of coordination entities

О курсе

We have created this course to help you understand the foundational information about
coordination compounds, which are of very much interest in our everyday life. Naturally
occurring coordination compounds hemoglobin and myoglobin are vital to living organisms. Many enzymes, that regulate biological processes, are coordination compounds. Chlorophyll is of very great importance for the plant world. Many technologically important processes are based on coordination compounds as catalysts. Coordination compounds of many metal ions are used for their selective precipitation, for their extraction from aqueous solutions, for their detection and determination.

Для кого этот курс

The course is designed for undergraduate chemistry students, but it may be useful for all chemistry students interested in new knowledge in this eld.

Начальные требования

Basic knowledge of general, inorganic and organic chemistry are required before taking this course.

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

If you are wondering what coordination compounds are and what coordination chemistry studies, then join the course Introduction to coordination chemistry!

6 weeks and 6 chapters with the following educational content:

Chapter 1. Coordination chemistry. What is it? Coordination chemistry. Coordination compounds. Coordination compounds in nature, chemistry and chemical technology. History of coordination compounds. Werner’s coordination theory. Characteristics of coordination compounds.

Chapter 2: Nomenclature of coordination compounds. IUPAC Recommendations 2005. Writing formulae of mononuclear coordination compounds. Names of mononuclear coordination compounds. Specifying donor atoms. The kappa convention. Polynuclear coordination compounds.

Chapter 3: Coordination numbers, bonding and geometries of coordination entities. Eective atomic number rule. Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory. Valence bond theory. Coordination numbers and shapes of coordination entities.

Chapter 4: Isomerism of coordination compounds. Constitutional isomerism (hydrate, solvate, ionization, coordination, polymerization, linkage and ligand isomerism). Stereoisomerisms (diastereoisomerisms for square-planar coordination entities, diastereoisomerisms for octahedral coordination entities, enantiomers). Describing the conguration of diastereoisomers.

Chapter 5: Ligand eld theory. Ligand eld splitting parameter. Ligand eld stabilization energy (regular octahedral eld, distorted octahedral coordination entities, Jahn-Teller eect, square planar and tetrahedral coordination entities). Spectrochemical series of ligands and metals. Description of coordination entities by Molecular orbital theory. Absorption Spectra. Color of coordination compounds.

Chapter 6: Formation, kinetic and thermodynamic stability of coordination entities. Ligand substitution reactions in aqueous solutions. Labile and inert coordination entities. Mechanisms for ligand substitution reactions. Thermodynamic stability of coordination compounds. Stability (formation) constants. Factors eecting stability of coordination compounds.

Each part contains: Video lecture, Chapter text,  Informational sources, Homework, Homework answers and Current test.

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