Negotiation Technologies

The main goal of the course is the formation of theoretical concepts and the development of practical skills in international negotiations. The theoretical part includes an acquaintance with approaches to the analysis of negotiations developed in Russia and abroad, as well as identifying the structural elements of…
Начальный уровень

Чему вы научитесь

  • • practice of international negotiations;
  • • the role of interests in the process of negotiations;
  • • common mistakes at negotiations;
  • • Russian and foreign studies of the international negotiations;
  • • Establishing a relationship with a partner;
  • • Mutual understanding in negotiations;
  • • Choosing a meeting place, organizing protocol events, forming delegations, appointing a head of delegation;
  • • Preparing the arguments;
  • • Negotiation strategies;
  • • Comparative effectiveness of tactical technique;
  • • Types of leadership during negotiations.

О курсе

The main goal of the course is the formation of theoretical concepts and the development of practical skills in international negotiations. The theoretical part includes an acquaintance with approaches to the analysis of negotiations developed in Russia (studies by V.L. Israelyan, A.V. Zagorsky, V.A.Kremenyuk, M.M. Lebedeva, V.I. Popov, V.M. Sergeev and others) and abroad (works of M. Berman, U. Zartman, V. Mastenbrook, R. Fischer, U. Uri, D. Firon, etc.), as well as identifying the structural elements of negotiation (stages of negotiation - preparation, conduct and analysis of the results of negotiations, stages of negotiations and tactics). The second - the practical part - is aimed at practicing practical negotiation skills, which involves correctly finding and using the structural elements of the negotiation process in a real negotiation situation.

Для кого этот курс

Students studying in the areas of "International Relations", "Political Science", "Foreign Regional Studies", as well as a wide audience interested in the problems of international negotiations.

Начальные требования

To master this discipline, you need an acquaintance with the fundamentals of modern world politics and international relations, as well as an understanding of negotiations in international politics.

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