English for Specific Purposes (Information Technology)

This course aims to improve your English language skills by developing your vocabulary and reading skills and your understanding of IT texts.
Средний уровень
4-5 часов в неделю

Чему вы научитесь

  • This course aims to improve your English language skills by developing your vocabulary, reading skills and your understanding of IT texts.
  • Enhance your listening and reading through a variety of topics.
  • Skills learned in this course will often be referred to and needed to complete the speaking, writing and cross-cultural communication in IT sphere.

О курсе

The course covers 8 topic-based units, which reveal a range of key issues from information systems  to the future of computing systems .

It provides students with a  solid  knowledge  of  computing fundamentals, an understanding of the impact of our technology-oriented society and a framework for using this knowledge effectively in their lives. Key vocabulary is presented via a range of authentic  contexts.

Для кого этот курс

On-line course for Students of Information Technology (PSU) has been designed for the students completing their 1st year of undergraduate study in Information Systems, Software Systems and Technologies, Applied Information Systems, Networking and Internet Technologies.

Начальные требования

This course is appropriate for students from pre- intermediate to upper-intermediate who have a specific area of academic or professional interests. It has been developed for use in technical  colleges and universities, as well as on some specific training programs.

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

  • vocabulary training
  • video English lessons to help with your listening comprehension
  • completing the online exercises
  • funny tasks with pictures
  • tests 

Программа курса


Что вы получаете

  • You will improve 5 main skills (vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and writing)
  • You will be able to effectively collaborate with others, brainstorming ideas and discussing project outcomes in IT sphere.
Price: Бесплатно

Расскажите о курсе друзьям

Price: Бесплатно