Grand Strategy

This course examines the historical and theoretical evolution of Grand Strategy (policy for integrating all instruments of power—diplomatic, informational, military, and economic—to advance national security) by providing a survey of the major academic approaches to its study. The course starts at the survey of the…
Начальный уровень
Сертификат Stepik

Чему вы научитесь

  • After studying the course students will know the current trends in the development of foreign policy processes, the main security threats and hotbeds of foreign policy conflicts in the modern world.

О курсе

The purpose of the course is to form the audience's understanding of the basics of national security strategy, the main concepts of this area of politics and defense, the risks of crisis situations in the area of the national security.

The objectives of the course are:

-    - familiarization with the basic concepts of national security strategy;

-    - identification of various ideological approaches to this area of politics and defense;

-    - updating knowledge about how to manage crisis situations in this area.

Для кого этот курс

The course is designed for all people interested in issues of modern international politics. The course structure is designed to help political science students gain a comprehensive understanding of the national security system.

Начальные требования

The course does not require special knowledge, but a basic level in international politics will be welcomed.

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

The course consists of eight modules, each of which includes videos, self-study materials, and quizzes.


The course includes the following types of test material:


- intermediate questions in the multiple choice format (testing at the end of each academic week), as well as additional questions and tasks;

- the final test based on the results of all the material covered.

Программа курса



Сертификат Stepik

Что вы получаете

  • After studying the course students will be able to understand the processes, events and dynamics associated with international conflicts from a historical and contemporary point of view, compare approaches to strategic research and modern explanations of Grand Strategy by the main actors of contemporary world politics.
Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно