Spatial Analysis in Social Sciences

Spatial statistical analysis is a branch of modern geographical science that combines computer modelling in geographic information systems (GIS) with spatial econometrics and mathematical statistics.
Начальный уровень
8 weeks, 2-5 hours a week

Чему вы научитесь

  • What is spatial analysis?
  • How to create a spatial data base?
  • How to visualize statistics on maps?
  • How to use spatial econometrics in social sciences?

О курсе

Spatial statistical analysis is a branch of modern geographical science that combines computer modelling in geographic information systems (GIS) with spatial econometrics and mathematical statistics. The course is organized in such a way that it allows students and researchers to get a firm grip of spatial statistical analysis techniques without needing any special skills as far as working with mapping software and statistical methods.

Для кого этот курс

The course will be of interest primarily to specialists in the field of human and political geography, but also has much to offer researchers and analysts of various disciplines who are concerned with spatial patterns in the social sciences and the humanities, including political scientists, international relations experts, sociologists and economists.

Начальные требования

The course can be studied without special skills, but basic knowledge in the field of statistics and work in GIS will help you master it at a higher level.

Наши преподаватели

Как проходит обучение

8 weeks of training, 2-5 hours per week. Video lectures are accompanied by tests and practice exercises in QGIS and GeoDa software packages.

Программа курса


Что вы получаете

  • This course is the first in the field of political geography to offer an overview of
  • the methods of spatial statistical analysis, which are presented using examples of
  • research tasks that are geared towards the social sciences and the humanities.
Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно