Blank Production in Mechanical Engineering

The course «Blank production in mechanical engineering» gives an opportunity for students, graduate students, engineers and teachers to get acquainted with the basics of the production of engineering blanks by methods such as casting, metal forming and welding. While studying the course, students will acquire the…
36 hours
Сертификат Stepik

О курсе

Course «Blank production in mechanical engineering» includes training in the scientific basics of processing metals and alloys, taking into account their chemical composition and structure to achieve the operational and technological properties required in industrial production; familiarization with technologies for manufacturing metal blanks by casting, metal forming and welding. In this course, students study the regularities of the formation of the structure of metals during solidification, heat treatment and plastic deformation; the relationship of the physical and mechanical properties of metal materials with the methods of their processing; get the necessary information about ways to ensure the strength, reliability and durability of machine parts due to the rational choice of methods for obtaining engineering blanks, depending on the technological properties of metals, taking into account the operating conditions.

The main objectives of the course are:

  • study the main methods of blank production,
  • mastering the skills of choosing structural materials for machine-building blanks, taking into account the physical phenomena occurring in metals during the production of blanks from them by casting, metal forming and welding methods;
  • mastering the skills of choosing the optimal methods for obtaining engineering blanks;
  • formation of basic knowledge on the use of various methods of metal processing, ensuring operational reliability and durability of machine parts; 
  • study of the capacities of modern equipment and tools used in blank production.

The course comprises of 6 modules, 24 lectures.

Module1. Theoretical foundation of foundry production

Lecture 1. Introduction

Lecture 2. Foundry production

Lecture 3. Casting properties of alloys. Fluidity. Gas absorption. Segregation.

Lecture 4. Casting properties of alloys. Shrinkage.

Lecture 5. Casting properties of alloys. Cracking tendency.

Lecture 6. Casting mold

Module 2. Main methods of manufacturing engineering blanks by casting

Lecture 7. Methods of making castings. Sand-clay casting

Lecture 8. Special methods of casting. Shell casting, investment casting and gasified die casting.

Lecture 9. Casting in metal molds.

Module 3. Theoretical foundations of the plastic deformation of metals. Obtaining engineering blanks by rolling

Lecture 10. Metal forming

Lecture 11. Basic laws of metal forming. Stress and strain state diagrams.

Lecture 12. Methods of metal forming. Rolling.

Module 4. Main methods of manufacturing engineering blanks by metal forming

Lecture 13. Pressing. Drawing

Lecture 14. Forging

Lecture 15. Bulk stamping

Lecture 16. Sheet stamping

Module 5. Main methods of manufacturing engineering blanks by fusion welding

Lecture 17. Welding of metals. The physical nature and basic methods of welding. Types of welded joints.

Lecture 18. Electric arc welding

Lecture 19. Varieties of electric arc welding

Lecture 20. Gas welding. Plasma welding

Lecture 21. Laser welding. Electroslag welding

Module 6. Main methods of manufacturing engineering blanks by pressure welding

Lecture 22. Pressure welding. Resistance spot welding

Lecture 23. Resistance roller and butt welding

Lecture 24. Cold pressure welding. Friction welding. Explosion welding. Diffusion welding.

After completing this course, you will:


- methods of obtaining machine-building blanks;

- the physical and chemical nature of the phenomena occurring in metals during casting, welding and metal forming;

- the effect of the material, the method of obtaining blanks, the technological capabilities of the equipment on the operational properties of machine parts;

- technology and equipment in the production of cast blanks;

- technology and equipment in the production of blanks by metal forming;

- technology and equipment in the production of permanent joints by welding

Able to:

- choose the most rational methods and technologies for manufacturing machine-building blanks with the required operational properties;

- evaluate the behavior of the metal depending on the methods of its processing;

- as a result of the analysis of operating conditions, technically and reasonably choose a method for processing a metal alloy to obtain a machine-building blank in order to ensure high reliability and durability of metal machine parts


- the ability to ensure the manufacture of products and their manufacturing processes.

Для кого этот курс

1. Undergraduate students; 2. Students with professional or higher education who want to improve their skills; 3. Citizens of foreign countries who want to improve their skills

Начальные требования

To successfully master the course «Blank production in mechanical engineering» knowledge of courses in inorganic chemistry, general physics, fundamentals of metallurgy and materials science is required.

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