Sedimentary Petrology

The course covers basic information about the structure of sedimentary ion-biogenic rocks (Limestones, Dolomites, Phosphorites, Jaspers, Tripolis, Gaizes, Diatomites, Radiolarites, Spongolites, Phtanites, Lydites, bedded and nodular silicites), their classification, diagnostic methods in thin sections and samples, as…
72 h (video 5 h, additional materials 4 h, tasks 63 h)
Сертификат Stepik

О курсе


This course contains information on the petrography of ionic-biogenic sedimentary rocks and sedimentary minerals, such as various types of Limestones, Dolomites, Phosphorites, Jaspers, Tripolis, Gaizes, Diatomites, Radiolarites, Spongolites, Phtanites, Lydites, bedded and nodular сherts, and discusses the issues of their classification, conditions of formation, distribution, occurrence, mineralogical-material composition, practical uses. Particular attention is paid to the methods of macroscopic and microscopic diagnostics of those ion-biogenic sedimentary rocks.


After completing the course, students will know the methods of diagnostics and classification of ion-biogenic sedimentary rocks, methods of reconstructing past environments according to the characteristics of sedimentary rocks and their paragenetic associations in order to clarify the conditions for the accumulation and localization of minerals, they will be able to diagnose sedimentary rocks in thin sections and samples according to the material and mineral composition, structural and textural features, reconstruct depositional environments, analyze the information received, draw conclusions, formulate conclusions, possess theoretical knowledge in the field of petrography of sedimentary rocks and the theory of lithogenesis.

The authors would like to dedicate this course to the memory of our colleague and a wonderful person who, unfortunately, has already passed away – to professor of RUDN University, head of the department of petrography and lithology, and our teacher - Roald Sergeevich Bezborodov. It was his unforgettable lectures at the university that inspired the authors to create this course and formed its basis.

Для кого этот курс

1. Undergraduate students 2. Master's students 3. Students with professional or higher education who wish to improve their qualification 4. Citizens of foreign countries wishing to improve their qualification

Начальные требования

General knowledge and skills in geological subjects are required: General Geology, Mineralogy, Crystallography, Crystal Optics.

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Сертификат Stepik
Price: Бесплатно

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Price: Бесплатно