Corporate Security of International Energy Companies

The study of the Corporate Security of International Energy Companies allows to study the main threats to the corporation from natural and technogenic factors before, the most valuable assets, to understand the specifics of such threats for energy companies, identify the most potentially dangerous actors, predict…

О курсе

Course Information

The course consists of a lecture part in the format of video tracking, presentation and additional materials for study, as well as control issues. Content: Section 1 Corporate processes and corporate threats.

Topic 1. The role and importance of corporate security in ensuring stability in the development of society. The concept of corporate security, the relevance of corporate security issues, the trends in the development of public and economic relations, the influence of corporate security on the socio-economic development of society and the state.

Topic 2. Specific threats in the energy sector. Environmental risks (ecological catastrophes in the Gulf of Mexico, Fukushima. Political risks (north and southern streams) Financial risks (ESG investment trends, decarbonization) Public risks, environmental activism

Topic 3. Evaluation of the internal and external threats to the corporation. Elements of the external and internal environment of the corporation and the degree of their influence. Analysis of the interests of the elements of the internal and external environment. Determining the balance of interests. Determination of potential threats.

Topic 4. Corporate conflicts in the energy sector The history of the development of corporate processes, the energy specificity of corporate processes, the motivation of corporate processes. Section 2 Methods of corporate security threats and methods of protection against them

Topic 5. Hostile mergers and acquisitions and methods of their implementation. Types of mergers and acquisitions. Determination of raiders and its signs. Methods of hostile absorption.

Topic 6. Corporate blackmail (Greenmail) and methods for its implementation. Definition and signs of corporate blackmail. The subject of corporate blackmail. The object of corporate blackmail.

Topic 7. Preventive methods of countering corporate threats. Judicial protection. Preventive measures. Golden parachutes. Poisonous pills. Restructuring of corporations. Potential consequences of opposition methods.

Topic 8. Operational methods of countering corporate threats. Judicial protection. Protection of Pacman. Inaction agreements. Protection with the help of "White Squire. Protection with the help of the "White Knight". Changing capital structure. Potential consequences of opposition methods.

Topic 9. Building a corporate security system Corporation algorithm for building corporate security. The basis of monitoring. Distribution of tasks among corporation staff. Typical protective structuring schemes.

As a result of the study course "Corporate Security of International Energy Companies", students should:


  • The essence and content of the concept of "corporate security";
  • Conceptual basis for the protection of the socio-economic interests of entrepreneurs;
  • Organizational and legal framework for providing corporate security management

Be able to:

Allow the main conflicts in the field of entrepreneurship;

  • analyze trends and prospects for the development of processes in the field of entrepreneurial activity at the local, regional and government levels, taking into account the factors of dynamics and uncertainty;
  • conduct analysis of corporate security issues;
  • analyze with the use of various sources of information the impact of factors of the internal and external environment for corporate safety;
  • Develop a behavior strategy, planning to ensure corporate security;
  • make solutions to ensure corporate security;
  • evaluate both the activities of the entity entrepreneurial activity and individual projects in terms of aspects of corporate security;
  • Assess the results of making management decisions in the field of corporate security, including in terms of economic efficiency.

Get :

  • methods for making strategic, tactical and operational solutions in the management of operating (production) activities of organizations

Для кого этот курс

1. Learning on graduate programs; 2. graduate students; 3. Listeners having a professional or higher education wishing to improve the qualifications; 4. Citizens of foreign countries wishing to improve qualifications;

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